Why Do Garage Door Springs Rust?

You'd think that garage door springs would remain in good shape for a very long time with very little attention. However, these critical parts of your garage door system need more attention than you realize. They can start to develop rust if you don't maintain them properly, and that rust can lead to a dangerous situation. Proper maintenance from a garage door service helps ward off that danger.

Steel Exposed to Moisture and Oxygen

Garage door springs are usually made of steel, which is mostly made of iron. Those springs are not hidden; they are out in the open where humidity and air can both reach the metal. When iron is exposed to both oxygen and moisture, the iron can begin to rust. So, when you see rust on your garage door springs, that means the metal is being exposed to oxygen and moisture, and that generally indicates that the springs have not been lubricated properly.

Lubrication Prevents That Exposure

One part of garage door maintenance is that task of lubricating the springs. That not only makes them work more smoothly and without squeaking, but it also coats the springs in oil, which forms a barrier against oxygen and additional moisture. Without that exposure, the springs can't rust. So, even if you can't afford a huge garage door inspection and maintenance overhaul, at the very least, get the springs inspected and lubricated.

Rust Is a Form of Corrosion

When you see rust on metal, you could be looking at one of two types. There is rust that sits on top of the metal and that is the result of some iron residue left on the metal (from a tool used to make the metal object, for example), and there is rust that is forming in the metal. In other words, the rust is corroding it and eating away at it. Generally, the rust you see on garage door springs is the second type, where the steel of the springs is being corroded by rust. That weakens the springs, which is dangerous; the door can fall and the spring can snap and pretty much fly off at a high velocity. You don't want either of those happening. If you see rust on the garage door springs, you need to call for service immediately.

You can prevent rust on those springs by having the garage door inspected and maintained properly. A garage door service can lubricate the springs if they look normal or replace them if they appear to be corroding. That helps you keep yourself and everyone around you nice and safe. Reach out to a local service, such as A Z Garage Doors, to learn more.

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Learning About Garage Door Replacement Options

Hello, my name is Delilah Statholm. Welcome to my site about garage doors. When my home was broken into by burglars, the invaders damaged my garage door to enter my home. The damage was so extensive that I had to replace the door outright. The garage door replacement options were endless. Each one would dramatically change the way my home looked from the street. I selected a timeless design that would age well over the years. I will explore all of these garage door replacement options in great detail on my site. I welcome you to visit often to learn about the doors available today. Thank you.
