Creating a Super-Garage: Design Features Inspired by Your Favorite Heroes

When watching superhero movies, it's easy to envy the crazy gadgets, designs, and setups shown in the movies. Along with powers and skills, a number of superheroes also have an awesome garage to store all of their luxury rides. While you may not be able to afford the cars or homes that they live in, you can draw a lot of inspiration from the heroes that you see on the big screen. As you consult with garage-door specialists, you can look into four different design features based directly off of superhero movies. By combining one or more of these ideas, you can have the ultimate heroic garage at your home.

LED Garage Flooring

Tony Stark is a billionaire, and he showcases his lavish style in a lot more than just the Iron Man suit. His home garage and workshop is bigger than most homes, but there's one feature that you can add to your garage. Stark's garage features LED lights built into the floor of the garage. These lights are not only a stylish addition to a garage, but they can make it easier to park cars and see in low-light situations. When the main lights in the garage are shut off, they can create a moody lighting effect that looks great for pictures and videos. The LED lights can also be set to connect to motion light sensors so that they automatically turn on when you're entering the garage.

Iron Garage-Door Designs

Batman's home of Wayne Manor has always been know for the Gothic designs and use of iron throughout the decorations and gates. Whether it's the entrance to his Batcave or the standard garage, iron elements are often used on the doors. As you shop for garage doors, you can find designs with iron fencing elements infused into them. These iron parts are mainly used for decorative elements, but they can also add extra security to your garage door. For example, the ornamental iron bars can go over glass windows on the garage to protect them from being broken into. The iron can be finished with a rustic look to help match the Wayne Manor. Ornament designs like iron animals and floral patterns can also be used on the door designs.

All-Glass Garage Doors

One of the more modern garage-door looks includes an all-glass opaque door. These doors include large glass panels that are frosted to add a little privacy to your garage door. The design of these doors is similar to modern looks found in the X-Men movies. The garage and areas used at the X-Mansion feature a lot of glass design elements, and you can add the same type of design to your home. During the day, sunlight can shine through the garage and light it naturally. At night, the garage lights can illuminate your driveway to help increase safety and make it easier to park your vehicle. The trim around the glass can be finished in a number of different colors. You can have a chrome trim to match the X-Men style or select a color that matches the exterior of your home.

Bi-Fold Garage Doors

The Marvel film "Guardians of the Galaxy" may take place on distant planets, but there are a number of elements you can add to your own home on Earth. One of these elements is a bi-fold garage door. These unique folding doors open outward and up rather than inward. The design of these garage doors is similar to the ship doors and futuristic buildings seen in the film. The bi-fold design of your garage door can feature a number of materials and design finishes.

Use movie stills and screen shots to showcase your ideas to garage designers. This will help you get the heroic garage of your dreams. Consult a company like Aladdin Doors of Raleigh for more ideas.

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Learning About Garage Door Replacement Options

Hello, my name is Delilah Statholm. Welcome to my site about garage doors. When my home was broken into by burglars, the invaders damaged my garage door to enter my home. The damage was so extensive that I had to replace the door outright. The garage door replacement options were endless. Each one would dramatically change the way my home looked from the street. I selected a timeless design that would age well over the years. I will explore all of these garage door replacement options in great detail on my site. I welcome you to visit often to learn about the doors available today. Thank you.
